Host Molly Dare Hillenbrand was on hand for the intiation of the 2019 Winterfest Boat Parade celebration, Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa hosted the GrayRobinson, P.A. Winterfest® White Party featuring Piazza Italia Restaurant. This elite gathering was the kickoff for the Winterfest® 2019 season themed, “Lights, Camera, Action … Movies on Parade.” An invitation-only event, attendees experienced an exclusive first look at the focal point of the parade’s media campaign and experienced the poster unveiling in a spectacularly decorated room bathed in white with a mist of amethyst. Get ready for #TheGreatestShowonH2O Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino – Hollywood, FL Captain Lee Rosbach Republic National Distributing Company City of Fort Lauderdale

Now is the time to think about entering your boat in the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade and if you don’t have one – get your tickets from Winterfest. For additional information on Winterfest, Inc. call 954-767-0686 or visit


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