It's Your Story - Our Audience

Finally a media source that is truly dedicated to hear the “Horror Stories” from both sides that represent the “Devil In Divorce”. The antiquated, uneducated, forced down your throat legal system with a judge that has no idea who you are when you enter their court room. We all continue in one way or another to be touched and continue to be by the devastating emotional effects of Divorce on our Children, Relatives, Friends and Acquaintances. Not to even mention the financial damage caused, who wins? Attorneys, Accountants, Court Reporters, Therapists, etc. and the list goes on and on annually, $65,000,000,000 dollars worth. More money in one year than most countries have support their population and the number keeps on growing, fueled by “Anger” “Oppression”, “Suppression” and finally “Depression”. This podium is here to help…the system is stacked against you from the start. Now we want to change this system to help in the process, the only way to change is to make it known that this is not way to continue, devastating families and financials in a “NO WIN” for either side. Were here, Tell Us Your Story………

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