On, Saturday, August 17, 2013, teammates met at a secret location(We now know it was The Manor) in the early morning hours (well 8 am).
After doing some housekeeping chores, and getting their Amazing Race T-Shirts and backpacks, they were handed an envelope containing a clue to their first destination.
The took off on the trek of their life (oh, yea, did we forget to mention that they weren’t allowed to have a car or cell phone with them, they had to rely on the kindness of others and/or their feet!)
Once they got to the correct destination they were given a task to perform (and these tasks weren’t easy !!! They required teamwork and thought)
When they completed their task at that location they were handed another envelope containing a new clue leading them to their next destination and so on and so on, with a total of twenty destinations and tasks to be performed.
When they made it to all their destinations, and completed all their tasks, they were given one final envelope with a clue leading them to the finish line.
And the first team to cross the finish line wins……
A cruise for two their destination of choice on Holland America. This year’s 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners are
· 1st place winners – Dom and Dave – Dominic & Dave
· 2nd place winners – Competitive Cousins – Tom & Amanda
· 3rd place winners – Team Chic Optique – Marcus & Willie
But the true winner is Broward House. What a great event for a great cause Broward House


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