From Nov. 17 to Nov. 24, the Miami Dade College Center for Literature and Theatre hosted the 30 annual Miami Book Fair International.
Hundreds of authors and speakers, ranging from former Vice President Dick Cheney to MSNBC host Chris Matthews and former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, gathered on MDC’s Wolfson Campus, while hundreds of thousands of readers attended their sessions. Later that week, on Nov. 22 and 23, more than 250 publishers took to the streets to sell their books and interact with the South Florida literary community.
What started out as “Books by the Bay” in 1984 has grown to being recognized as “the nation’s finest literary festival,” according to its site, despite the rise of the internet and eBook.
In commemoration of the 500 years since Ponce de Leon landed in Florida, this year the Fair celebrated the culture and literature of Spain. Some of the country’s most illustrious writers and artists presented their works at the Fair.
The Miami Book Fair, one of Miami’s flagship cultural events, treated book lovers to eight days of cultural and educational activities, including the beloved Evenings With… series, the IberoAmerican Authors program, literacy and learning activities for children and teens during Generation Genius Days, and The Kitchen, demos and panels for food enthusiasts in partnership with the college’s Miami Culinary Institute. Fairgoers also enjoyed more than 200
exhibitors from around the country selling books in a festive atmosphere and hundreds of author reading and discussing new books during the weekend Street Fair.
The Street Fair was back with more than 200 national and international exhibitors selling books for all tastes and ages. Attendees enjoyed the festive entertainment, music, children’s activities, and food, while browsing for books on the streets of downtown Miami and the Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus.
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