Eyeonsouthflorida.com HANDY will be sending over 200 middle and high school students, including kids from the Guardian ad Litem program, back to school in style this year! This past Saturday Handy took 200 kids shopping. Each youth received a gift certificate to Sawgrass Mills Mall, a backpack filled with all of the essential goodies and supplies needed for starting the year, and additional coupons and savings at participating retail stores in the mall! It was an exciting adventure for these very special youth; an experience that few of them would otherwise get to enjoy. Handy wanted their students to look forward to the first day of school and have the hope and expectation that this will be a better year. Having them pick out that cool new outfit not only helps to build their self-esteem but lets them look just like everyone else. What better way to start the new school year!
Sponsors: Broward Sheriff’s Advisory Council, California Pizza Kitchen, HANDY’s Next Generation Committee of young professionals, Sawgrass Mills Mall, Shutts & Bowen


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